Latest articles tagged “notifications”

Latest articles tagged “notifications”

Showing: 1-6 of 6
What do the various Facebook Messenger circles near messages mean?
What do the various Facebook Messenger circles near messages mean?
by Mihai Neacsu on 4 August 2017 · 12168 views
Friends of mine ask me from time to time what the different circles in a Facebook Messenger conversation mean. Was the message sent? Did the recipient read it already? Here's a quick clarification on those markings: ... Read more
Pokemon Go Server Status Notifications Added to Hooks App
Pokemon Go Server Status Notifications Added to Hooks App
by Chris Thomas on 16 July 2016 · 1848 views
The creator of the Hooks - Notifications for Everything app, Oleg Kozynenko, has added a feature that send push notifications about Pokemon Go's server status. Users will receive a message when the server is down and when it is back online again. ... Read more
How to Turn On Quiet Hours in Windows 10
How to Turn On Quiet Hours in Windows 10
by Gary Oldwood on 23 August 2015 · 3539 views
'Quiet Hours' is a new feature in Windows 10 that stops notifications from showing up when you receive them. ... Read more
Get an Improved Chrome Download Notification When File Downloads Finish
Get an Improved Chrome Download Notification When File Downloads Finish
by Pete Daniel on 28 January 2015 · 2182 views
Download Notifier Extension is a great way for Chrome to do a little more in this regard. It displays a proper notification when a file completes its download. A useful button can be tapped that will open up file manager to access the download direct ... Read more
How to Show Toast Notifications at Top or Bottom in Windows 10
How to Show Toast Notifications at Top or Bottom in Windows 10
by Mihai Neacsu on 26 November 2014 · 11323 views
Windows 10 switched to using toast notifications only, which are displayed as a Top-Right pop-up. We'll show you how to move the toast notification popup from the default Top position to Bottom, a process which can be easily reversed. ... Read more
How to Disable Google Now and Chrome's Notifications Icon on Windows, Mac, Linux
How to Disable Google Now and Chrome's Notifications Icon on Windows, Mac, Linux
by Mihai Neacsu on 4 June 2014 · 10826 views
Starting with March 24 this year, Google added a new feature to Chrome for desktops: Google Now integration, with notification cards on your system tray. Disabling the notifications icon is not that obvious though, so here's how to do it. ... Read more
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