Latest articles tagged “ai”

Latest articles tagged “ai”

Showing: 1-4 of 4
17 Unique Searches You Can Perform With Wolfram Alpha
17 Unique Searches You Can Perform With Wolfram Alpha
by Gary Oldwood on 13 August 2016 · 2222 views
Wolfram is one of the most amazing things on the internet, and here are just a few of the things it can do. ... Read more
"On-Device Intelligence" Is Apple's New Aim In The Field Of AI
"On-Device Intelligence" Is Apple's New Aim In The Field Of AI
by Gary Oldwood on 15 July 2016 · 2258 views
Apple wants to add face recognition features on the iPhone, but without using external servers. ... Read more
Google Acquires French Startup Moodstocks To Boost AI Development
Google Acquires French Startup Moodstocks To Boost AI Development
by Gary Oldwood on 7 July 2016 · 1499 views
Google acquired Moodstocks, a French startup company specializing in object recognition using smartphones, something that confirms once again the company’s interest in ​​field of AI. ... Read more
Is Artificial Intelligence Your Friend or Foe? Elon Musk Says AI Is More Dangerous Than Nukes
Is Artificial Intelligence Your Friend or Foe? Elon Musk Says AI Is More Dangerous Than Nukes
by Pete Daniel on 14 August 2014 · 2666 views
The founder of SpaceX and Tesla Motors, Elon Musk weighed in on the subject of what the future may hold when artificial intelligence becomes smarter than people. His tweet had a few technologists and futurists a bit concerned. ... Read more
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