"On-Device Intelligence" Is Apple's New Aim In The Field Of AI

"On-Device Intelligence" Is Apple's New Aim In The Field Of AI

by Gary Oldwood on 15 July 2016 · 2466 views

1 large OnDevice Intelligence Is Apples New Aim In The Field Of AI

Apple, as part of its WWDC 2016 conference, noted that wants to focus more on the field of artificial intelligence. An update in the iOS' Photos system will be able to recognize faces, something that Facebook and Google have already implemented.

In the event, Apple's senior vice president of Software Engineering, Graig Federighi, said that Apple wants to compete with Google and its smart Photo app with “on-device intelligence”, as he called it. The part of artificial intelligence that seems to have gained Apple’s focus is the camera's ability to learn from the user’s habits, a process known as machine learning.

"The big news in Photos this year is Advanced Computer Vision," Federighi told the crowd. "We’re applying advanced deep learning techniques to bring facial recognition to the iPhone."

Apple wants its devices to become more intelligent and recognize faces in a digital image, which is already the case with corresponding Google apps. To do this, a large investment in infrastructures and data centers is required, something that Google already has, but Apple must acquire- which is not a simple process.

On the other hand, Apple wants to give to the iPhones recognition features without the intervention of data centers, thus protecting the user’s privacy a little bit more. Analysts estimate that if this technology is not implemented in the cloud, the results might not be very satisfactory.

This new change will be implemented in Photos this fall. If you're eager about it, you can read here about a guy who analyzed the upcoming system in the beta version of iOS 10 and published his findings.

What do you think? "On-device intelligence" sounds catchy and practical, but is it going to work? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!

[Source: The Verge]

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