(Outdated) Enable WhatsApp Web for older iPhones running iOS 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, using a Jailbreak tweak

(Outdated) Enable WhatsApp Web for older iPhones running iOS 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, using a Jailbreak tweak

by Mihai Neacsu on 11 September 2015 · 81159 views

Latest update:

Our last solution is no longer working, since the whatsappwebenabler_1.2-2.deb file needed for it is no longer hosted on the Big Boss repository at all. If you manage to find the file from another source, the solution posted in "Update 2" below will work, but you'll be doing it at your own risk, since we can't vouch for how clean that file would be.

Update 2: Another tested and working solution is provided in the comments section - thanks kshu. This is not the ideal scenario, but it's working. You're basically installing an older version of WhatsApp and the DEB file for WhatsApp Web Enabler, the Cydia tweak used in the original tutorial. Here's the step by step guide for this solution:

1. Find iFile in Cydia and install it. The trial version is free and does enough for the task at hand.

2. Open Safari and click on http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/debs2.0/whatsappwebenabler_1.2-2.deb, then choose "Open in iFile", then choose Installer. This will install WhatsApp Web Enabler via iFile.

At this point, using the latest WhatsApp version won't work with WhatsApp Web Enabler, so you must downgrade WhatsApp to version 2.17.2. You'll need the 2.17.2 IPA file for WhatsApp. The easiest way is through AppCake, as detailed below.

3. Open Cydia and add the iPhoneCake repo, under Sources: Cydia.iPhoneCake.com.

4. Search and install AppCake and AppSync Unified. They are both within this repo.

5. Open AppCake and search for WhatsApp. Tap on previous versions and install 2.17.2.

That's it. WhatsApp with Web/Deskop is now working.

Update 1: The required Cydia package is currently unnavailable in the BigBoss repo, so this guide below does not work at this moment. The developer of WhatsApp Web Enabler got all his tweaks removed from the BigBoss Repo: Source, Reddit discussion about this.

We'll edit again once we find alternative options.

Original article follows:

As you know, WhatsApp Web is now available natively for iPhones running iOS 8.1+. That's fine if your device iOS is up-to-date, but older iOS devices, such as iPhone 4 who can't update past iOS 7, are left out. This is where this guide comes in handy.

In this tutorial we'll show you how to add WhatsApp Web Enabler from Cydia, a tweak that will enable the WhatsApp Web feature for any jailbroken iOS device running iOS 4 to 8.x.

The WhatsApp Web Enabler tweak will simply enable the native WhatsApp web service in WhatsApp and will block the jailbreak check for the WhatsApp app only.

The step-by-step guide to enable WhatsApp Web on older iOS devices:

1. Make sure your device is jailbroken. Jailbreaks are available for iOS 6 (evasi0n), 7 (pangu, evasi0n), 8 (pangu, taig).

2. If your device is jailbroken, you'll have Cydia added to your Home Screen (Springboard). Open Cydia.

3. Go to Sources and make sure the BigBoss repository is added there. If not, follow the tutorial below, then continue with step 4.

4. On the bottom bar, tap Search and search for WhatsApp Web Enabler.

3 large Outdated Enable WhatsApp Web for older iPhones running iOS 4 5 6 7 8 using a Jailbreak tweak

5. Once you've found it, tap Install, then Confirm on the next screen.

4 large Outdated Enable WhatsApp Web for older iPhones running iOS 4 5 6 7 8 using a Jailbreak tweak

6. At the end of the procedure, you'll be prompted to Restart SpringBoard. Do so.

7. Once you're back on the Home Screen, you can open WhatsApp and go to the Settings tab. You'll find there the option to use WhatsApp Web, explained in detail in this tutorial.

5 large Outdated Enable WhatsApp Web for older iPhones running iOS 4 5 6 7 8 using a Jailbreak tweak  6 large Outdated Enable WhatsApp Web for older iPhones running iOS 4 5 6 7 8 using a Jailbreak tweak

You can watch the same tutorial in the video below.

How to add the BigBoss repo to Cydia:

Method 1

a. On the Cydia main screen, scroll to More Package Sources.

b. Under Default Sources you should see the BigBoss repo. Tap on it and then tap OK to add this repo as a source.

1 large Outdated Enable WhatsApp Web for older iPhones running iOS 4 5 6 7 8 using a Jailbreak tweak

Continue with step 4 above.

Method 2

If method A did not work, then you can do this:

a. On the bottom bar, go to Sources and tap Edit > Add.

b. Enter the BigBoss repo URL http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/ and tap Add Source.

2 large Outdated Enable WhatsApp Web for older iPhones running iOS 4 5 6 7 8 using a Jailbreak tweak

Continue with step 4 above.

Done. Leave a comment with your suggestions or questions.

Comments (1)
kshu's profile
kshu on 10 May 2017
A working solution at this time would be to download the WhatsApp Web Enabler .deb file directly from the BigBoss repository at http://apt.thebigboss.org/repofiles/cydia/debs2.0/whatsappwebenabler_1.2-2.deb, then install it with iFile from Cydia, or i-FunBox on Windows/Mac.

Then downgrade WhatsApp to version 2.17.2, using Appcake with AppSync Unified. Both Appcake and AppSync Unified can be added using the Cydia repo Cydia.iPhoneCake.com. Afterwards, find WhatsApp in AppCake and install version 2.17.2. Newer versions of WhatsApp won't work with WhatsApp Web Enabler.
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