How to Protect Your Devices And Data During Vacations

How to Protect Your Devices And Data During Vacations

by Gary Oldwood on 11 July 2016 · 1678 views

1 large How to Protect Your Devices And Data During Vacations

Modern travelers face a series of digital dangers that lurk in public internet connections, online bank transactions and online shopping. Even during the holiday season, consumers are not separated from their favorite tech gadgets, therefore- in order to avoid digital risks- they should be aware of data protection and make sure that their devices and data is guarded well.

ESET, the popular IT security company, created a short guide that includes 10 tips for safe gadgets, even during summer vacations. Among other things, the company recommends that travelers make sure before leaving for holidays, that their portable devices have the latest updates for their operating system and software installed, plus a reliable security solution. In any event, ESET recommends to those who are traveling to create data backups before leaving, and store them in a safe place.

Never leave your devices unattended in public places. With the use of an anti-theft solution you can track your missing laptop or smartphone, and, if necessary, wipe its contents remotely”, the company recommends. It is also suggested that travelers have enabled features such as “password protection” and “inactivity timeout” in all their devices. “Consider shortening the time span to minimum. Frequent logging in might be annoying, but it’s better than having your sensitive information stolen by the intruders.

Wi-Fi Traps?

A basic rule- especially- for the holiday period, is to connect only to reliable internet services. “Beware of scams that attempt to look similar by attaching ‘free Wi-Fi’, or something similar, to the original name”, ESET highlights, and continues by adding: “If the hotel internet appears to ask you to update software in order to connect, immediately disconnect and inform the person at the front desk or the owner of the place of this.

The company also recommends not to use Wi-Fi connections which are not encrypted with the WPA2 security protocol. “Anything with lower standards is simply not safe enough and can be compromised relatively easy. Disconnect from the Wi-Fi if you’re not using the connection”, is one of the rules for safe vacations on a digital level too.

An important issue regarding bank transactions comes up as well: “If it’s not necessary, avoid online banking and shopping when you’re using public Wi-Fi. If you must bank or shop, it is far safer to use your data plan and create your own hotspot than to use public Wi-Fi!”, and that's a really important point: whenever you deal with transactions, credit cards and shopping online, always avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi access points or using anything that you're not 100% sure that is safe. If you're not sure, contact someone who can help you out.

That’s it from us and ESET. Have fun and safe holidays!

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