Anonymous Leaks Massive List Of Online Passwords & Credit Card Numbers

Anonymous Leaks Massive List Of Online Passwords & Credit Card Numbers

by Pete Daniel on 28 December 2014 · 4097 views

After the threat of a Christmas season hack via a Twitter account with a supposed affiliation with the hacking group Anonymous, the group has released in the public arena a collection of username and passwords for as many as 13,000 user accounts. The accounts cover several services including gaming sites PlayStation and Xbox Live, plus streaming site Hulu Plus, and top retailers Amazon and Walmart.

A huge number of credit card numbers were also released, security codes and other information needed to make new cloned cards or purchases online. The user information for accounts on adult web sites was also released as well.

2 large Anonymous Leaks Massive List Of Online Passwords  Credit Card Numbers

The initial cache of information released on Friday which was stored in an online copy and paste cache has since been taken down, but likely other paste bin copies will have been linked to and made available before the original pastebin source was removed by the site host.

In an interesting twist, having said they would do so, the hacking group Anonymous also released a digital version of The Interview, the troubled Sony movie which was recently pulled from movie studios and made available by the movie studio as a digital steaming version which garnered over $1 million in receipts in the first day of release online. Interest in The Interview movie which depicts a fictional assassination plot against the head of North Korea, was said to have been downloaded via torrent peer to peer network more than 750,000 times.

The Daily Dot has more information on the latest developments and a list of the affected websites, membership sites and other details where it might be advised to change your passwords promptly if you have accounts with these companies.

Download3K also covered the news about the recent hacking of both XBox Live and the PlayStation Network in a separate post.

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