Humble Revelmode Bundle Begun, Will Last Until July 26

Humble Revelmode Bundle Begun, Will Last Until July 26

by Gary Oldwood on 16 July 2016 · 1455 views

1 large Humble Revelmode Bundle Begun Will Last Until July 26

The latest Humble Bundle, or Humble Revelmode Bundle, offers a range of popular titles, with those who are interested offering (as usual) the amount of money that they decide to give, which then goes into charity.

More specifically, in Humble Revelmode Bundle you will find Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball, Choice Chamber and Nidhogg if you offer $1 or more, and if you exceed the mean average you will also obtain Golf With Your Friends (Early Access), Skullgirls (with some DLCs), Roguelands and Spelunky as well. Finally, if you offer more than $15 you will get all of the above, plus Rocket League by Psyonix.

Humble Revelmode Bundle will be available until July 26.

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