Facebook Messenger: Now Supports Sending/Receiving SMS in Android

Facebook Messenger: Now Supports Sending/Receiving SMS in Android

by Gary Oldwood on 17 June 2016 · 2312 views

The expected merging of Facebook Messenger with SMS is became a reality, with Facebook adding support for sending/receiving SMS in its new app update for Android devices.

From now you can send and receive SMS from your contacts, which will appear within the same conversation in Messenger, and the conversation bubbles will have purple color so as to stand out from the other messages. Sending text, photos, GIFs, emojis and location details is supported normally. The company also emphasizes that no SMS is not stored on its servers (sure), and normal charges of the respective provider apply.

In order to activate the SMS function, simply go to the Facebook Messenger settings and select Default SMS app".

2 medium Facebook Messenger Now Supports SendingReceiving SMS in Android 3 medium Facebook Messenger Now Supports SendingReceiving SMS in Android 4 medium Facebook Messenger Now Supports SendingReceiving SMS in Android


Speaking of Facebook Messenger, do you know what the blue circles in a chat stand for?

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