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XBundler 1

Developed by - Windows - setup file XBundler.zip (0.13 KB) - Shareware
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MD5: 831d8d4df5e076f582f95ee736ca426a

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Developer Description

"Embed DLLs into a single executable"

XBundler is a special plug-in for Themida and WinLicense that allows Dynamic Link Libraries (Win32 DLLs and .NET DLLs) and data files to be embedded inside a protected application, simplifying the distribution of your application to your customers. This also has the benefit of keeping your DLLs and data files from being used by third- party software. XBundler compresses and encrypts all of the embedded files without affecting the ability of your application to function correctly, and it requires no additional coding on your part. In a nutshell, this is how XBundler works: when your application wants to access your embedded DLLs and data files, XBundler will not write the embedded files to disk. Instead, XBundler uses a special mechanism that detects when an application is accessing embedded DLLs and data files, and then it decrypts only the required block of data. XBundler works in conjunction with Themida and WinLicense, so you can rest assured that your main application and all embedded files will be totally protected by XBundler and these programs. Features: Protect your DLLs from being reused by third party software Solve "DLL Hell" issues Protect your DLLs against reverse engineering Compress your DLLs and data files Protect your media files

Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested XBundler on 29 Apr 2012 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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