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TurboDB for .NET 3

Developed by - Windows - setup file TurboDBManaged.msi (6.87 MB) - Shareware
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MD5: 8b0eba6caf8699f1ae1d33163c8d44cf

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Developer Description

"TurboDB is a local database for .NET."

TurboDB for .NET is a local database specifically for .NET applications.

It is written entirely in C# and is contained in one single assembly (DLL). Therefore
* TurboDB can be xcopy deployed, that means delivered by just copying the file
* TurboDB runs under medium trust, there is no need to increase permissions for your application because of the database access

There are editions of TurboDB for .NET for each of the .NET platforms: .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework, Silverlight and Windows Phone. For perfect integration into Visual Studio, TurboDB for .NET includes ADO.NET designer support, integration into Server Explorer and an Entity Provider to offer Entity Framework capabilities.

TurboDB for .NET stores its databases in a single file each. More than one application can access the same database at the same time.

Other features of TurboDB for .NET include
* Very fast full-text indexing and searching
* Included tool set for database management
* Support for stored procedures in C# and/or TurboSQL

TurboDB for .NET is licensed on a per developer basis. There are no royalties for deployed copies.

Requirements: .NET Framework 2.0/Silverlight 3.0/Windows Phone 7.0

What's new in this version: + Runs on Silverlight + Runs on Windows Phone

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