wxForms Icon

wxForms 1.0.6

Developed by - Windows - setup file wxForms_demo_setup.exe (1.45 MB) - Shareware
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Developer Description

"Form designer for wxWidgets"

wxForms is an integrated form designer plugin for Borland C++ Builder that helps you to create cross platform applications for Windows, Mac OSX , Linux (gtk) using single source base. The wxForms code from C++ builder can be compiled in Mac OSX, Linux and Windows Mobile without much change using GNU GCC toolchain (in Windows, Linux, Mac OSX), VC++ , eMbedded VC++ (for Windows CE), Digital Mars and other compilers supported by wxWidgets Framework.

Following are the features of wxForms:
* Create cross platform makefiles with a single click.
* Create wxWidgets Dialogs and Frames using C++ Builder Form Designer.
* Facilitate the use of all C++ builder's features to create Cross platform application.
* Create Cross Platform GUI that can be compiled in GCC, VC++ and other compilers supported by wxWidgets in MacOSX, Linux and Windows CE.
* Over 60 ready to use wxWidgets components.
* Ready to use wxWidgets Dialog and Frame project Templates.
* Integrated Cross Platform bitmap creator.
* Image-List editor to easily manage images for various components like ListView, Tab Control, toolbar and Menus.
* Integrated wxWidgets Menu Editor.
* Integrated wxWidgets Toolbar Editor.
* IntegratedwxWidgets ListView Editor.
* Integrated wxWidgets Statusbar Editor.
* Integrated wxWidgets Open/Save Dialog File Filters Editor.

Requirements: Borland C++ Builder

What's new in this version: New release

Antivirus information

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