Commercial windows software updated last 7 days

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Spybot 32x32 pixels icon Spybot
Small Business Advisor 2014.Q2 32x32 pixels icon Small Business Advisor 2014.Q2
LUPC: Set time limits and monitors child 5.08 32x32 pixels icon LUPC: Set time limits and monitors child 5.08
Spybot searches your hard disk for so-called spy- or adbots; little modules that are responsible for the ads many programs show. But many of these modules also transmit information about your surfing behaviour and more to the net.
Small Business Advisor is the front-end software for the million-selling 'Starting and Operating a Business in ....' (California, Ohio, etc.) book series, by a Harvard lawyer and CPA, now available in electronic editions for all 50 states, D.C..
LUPC monitors and limits user time on your computers. Once you have set up all the users accessing the PC(s) in your home, you can then set maximum daily or weekly time limits for each person. LUPC limits the used time on internet, programs or...
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