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FrostWire 6.13.2 Build 321

Developed by - Windows - setup file (54.20 MB) - Freeware
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MD5: e025367cdf520f8073667d1af326b69b

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Review & Alternatives

"Free Gnutella client based on LimeWire"


With an estimated user share of 40%, the “Gnutella” network of files comprises one of the largest networks of file sharing users. FrostWire is a P2P file sharing application that is based upon LimeWire code and as a result, it works exactly the same. Whenever you are in need of a certain file are you are searching it using FrostWire, your results will arrive from LimeWire and vice versa. The BitTorrent protocol for the "leeching" and "seeding" is supported as well. Let’s analyze the features of this file sharing utility that gives you the possibility to transfer files from one computer to another. Are you ready?


The installation process of FrostWire isn’t difficult at all. It is a file sharing utility with a fast and smooth install process that guides you through all the necessary steps in order to ensure a clean and efficient installation. You should be happy to find out that it supports all of the available versions of the Windows operating system and it comes bundled with the ASK toolbar. You can opt not to install it though! Keep in mind that Java Runtime Environment, the widely used and popular programming language, is required by FrostWire for it to work and make it compatible with Windows, the various Linux distributions and Mac. At least 128MB of RAM are most welcomed!


The interface of FrostWire looks very good and boasts a sleek and clean design. Thus the navigation is a breeze. It is a great tool to work with thanks to the implementation rounded corners tabs and other small design touches that go a long way. Your outgoing and incoming connections are monitored by host name with the help of the Connections tab. All the info you need such as the bandwidth information, the vendor and more is clearly displayed and you will never find yourself not knowing what you’re supposed to do next. A built-in community chat is also incorporated.


Firstly, FrostWire is a file sharing utility with plenty of useful features. The main strength of this tool is the downloading and uploading of files. Being a peer to peer application, uploading comes with the territory. You can search for and download images, audio files, video, documents and programs. Secondly, what would a file sharing tool be if it isn’t reliable, right? FrostWire doesn’t disappoint in this regard as it is a solid yet easy to use tool. You must note that the file transfer amongst peers highly depends on each of the peers' bandwidth capability, yours included.


Don’t be too generous with your files or otherwise you PC will suffer some big performance issues. The content available on LimeWire is known for its malware and numerous viruses and as a result, FrostWire is also affected. That is why is a very good practice to have a very good antivirus tool on your PC to achieve an effective use of FrostWire.


Alternatives to FrostWire include the following file sharing clients: µTorrent, eMule Plus, BitTorrent and many more P2P tools.


All in all, FrostWire is a decent choice for file transfers between close-knit peers but because of its competition that are better known in the online media, it is slightly lacking in its fan club.

Reviewed by Chad Faith

Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested FrostWire on 27 May 2023 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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