Reflection Icon

Reflection 1.0

Developed by - Windows, Wi - setup file (488.28 KB) - Shareware
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Developer Description

"Main features: * Easy to use; * AS3 Class;"

Main features:
* Easy to use;
* AS3 Class;
* Only 1kb!

Advanced configuration:
* alpha;
* length;
* distance from the refleced object;
* blur;
* blurred/clean reflection borders;
* updateFrequency (for videos etc.);

Package includes: FLA;
Opens with: Flash CS3;
AS Version: ActionScript 3.0;
Viewable with: Flash Player 10 and above.

"The mirror reflects all objects without being sullied", Confucius

Requirements: Flash Player 7 and above

Antivirus information

Download3K did not scan Reflection for viruses, adware, spyware or other badware. For your own safety, we recommend that you always have an antivirus, with virus definitions up to date, installed on your computer when downloading and installing programs from the web.
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