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MemZilla 2012A

Developed by - Windows - setup file memzilla.exe (1.66 MB) - Shareware
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MD5: f75a43631d324a2ab32b7213915bf0a5

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Developer Description

"One Click Memory Manager and System Optimizer"

MemZilla is a Memory Manager and Optimization program that increases your system performance by freeing more memory for your applications. Normally when you perform tasks on your computer such as opening a document, viewing pictures or movies or browsing the internet, your computers physical memory called RAM is used, when you close your favorite programs some but not all of the memory used by the program is released back to the system to be used for launching other programs, this results in your computer relying on virtual memory or hard disc space used to simulate RAM, which is slower to read and write compared to Physical RAM memory, thus slowing down your computer. MemZilla works by freeing up this wasted RAM memory when you close your apps to be released fully so they can be used to launch your favorite apps faster and with less reliance on virtual memory.

Requirements: PC with Windows XP/Vista/7

What's new in this version: none

Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested MemZilla on 10 Apr 2015 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
  • Avast:

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  • Kaspersky:

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MemZilla Antivirus Report
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