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FiXML 1.0

Developed by - Windows - setup file fixml_fix_invalid_xml_characte.html (14.65 KB) - Shareware
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Developer Description

"FiXML removes invalid XML characters."

FiXML is a command line tool that removes or replaces invalid XML characters in an XML document. Invalid range of XML characters are defined by XML spec and documents that contain them cannot be parsed in most cases.
Invalid XML characters should not be confused with special XML characters. Special XML characters are those that require escaping such as <, & etc.
The most common invalid XML characters are those control characters below ascii 32. Except a few such as \r, \n, \t, space etc, most of the control characters cannot appear in an XML document. There are also few unicode character ranges that should not appear in XML documents per XML spec.
FiXML helps you convert your XML to valid form. Original file is not touched. Output will be saved to {filename}.fixed.
FiXML.exe [-encoding encname] [-replace text] afilename.xml
-encoding (optional) is the character encoding of the input and output files. For example utf-8, which is a common encoding used for XML files.
-replace (optional) is the text to replace each invalid character with. If not specified, invalid characters are removed.
filename.xml (required) is any file which might contain invalid xml characters that you wish to remove/replace.

Bestcode is pleased to provide the following file utilities to make bulk processing of files easier through simple, scriptable command line utilities and powerful regular expression functionality when needed.

Dos2Unix command line program converts carriage return, line feed pairs (\r\n) to line feeds (\n) and places the output files in a separate directory if such directory is specified. The file size must be small enough to fit in available memory.

Unix2Dos command line program converts line feeds (\n) to carriage return, line feed pairs (\r\n) and places the output files in a separate directory if such directory is specified. The file size must be small enough to fit in available memory.

Replaceregex command line program finds a given string in a batch of files, replaces them with another string and places the output files in a separate directory if such directory is specified. The file size must be small enough to fit in available memory.

RenameRegex command line program renames files whose name matches a regular expression places the output files in a separate directory if such directory is specified.

FileLineFilterRegex command line program eliminates text lines from text files based on regular expression patterns.
This program removes all lines which does not match a regular expression from text files places the output files in a separate directory if such directory is specified. The file size must be small enough to fit in available memory.

Bestcode File Utilities Pack comes as a zip file.

For more information, please visit <a href=""></a>

What's new in this version: Initial release.

Antivirus information

Download3K did not scan FiXML for viruses, adware, spyware or other badware. For your own safety, we recommend that you always have an antivirus, with virus definitions up to date, installed on your computer when downloading and installing programs from the web.
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