Chrono1 Icon

Chrono1 1.0

Developed by - Windows, Wi - setup file (488.28 KB) - Shareware
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Developer Description

"Show a nice chronometer to your visitors"

Customizable component to put into your FLAs to show a nice chronometer to your visitors in few seconds !

Very simple :
- drag the component on the stage
- resize it (as you would resize a button component)
- look at the parameters defined for the component and modify them as you want
=> Make some tests to view the range of possibilities I offer to you

All the variables have explicit names, so there shouldn't be any problem.
Just a precision to use "functionEnd" :
You can specify the name of a function to run at the end of the countdown. The function has to be defined on the _root.

Package includes: MXP
Opens with: Flash 8, Flash CS3
AS Version: ActionScript 2.0
Viewable with: Flash Player 7 and above

Requirements: Flash Player 7 and above

Antivirus information

Download3K did not scan Chrono1 for viruses, adware, spyware or other badware. For your own safety, we recommend that you always have an antivirus, with virus definitions up to date, installed on your computer when downloading and installing programs from the web.
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