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Advanced FileTimer 2.01

Developed by - Windows - setup file (34.65 KB) - Shareware
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MD5: 6248df5314d1c4e03679354693bf3b9d

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Developer Description

"For modifying date and time stamps of files"

Advanced FileTimer (formerly known as FileTime) is a file management tool for modifying incorrect date and time stamps of your files. You are able to use the current time and date settings, set your own time/date or add/subtract days, hours, minutes, and seconds to the original time stamps of files.

When using Advanced FileTimer, you can modify the time stamps equal with the date your photos were actually taken. Do you have thousands of photographs which have been taken 30 days, 15 hours, and 24 minutes after the current date stamped on the files? If you do, this tiny utility will help you.

On the other hand, Advanced FileTimer is also an easy to use version maintenance tool. For example, a software developer can quickly stamp a group of files with an identical date and time. Now it is fast and easy to set the filetimes to reflect the version number of new products.

Just download a tiny file (35 KB) and give a try - no installation required!

What's new in this version: Renamed from FileTime to Advanced FileTimer, minor bugs fixed

Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested Advanced FileTimer on 4 Feb 2015 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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