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VideoPhill Player 10

Developed by - Windows - setup file VideoPhillPlayerSetup10a.msi (8.90 MB) - Commercial
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Developer Description

"Examine, search, cut and export video archive"

VideoPhill Player is used to provide an access to the video archive created by VideoPhill Recorder. The Player is very powerfull application, with following features:

* searching the video archive by date and time
* easy locating any video via thumbnail view
* precise cutting of video segments for later export or analysis
* shortcuts for most used operations
* exporting any segment of video to a video file in various formats
* all export is done in the background with manageable task list
* creating video files for DVD burning
* storage of favorite video clips or segments
* EPG support
* support for multiple channels
* support for multiple users
* custom export file naming scheme
* no need to shut down recorder to access the archive

Requirements: 2 GB RAM, 1.6GHz CPU

What's new in this version: Multiple video export options Segment cutting Electronic programming guide support Multiple channel support DVD video file export Background video file export

Antivirus information

Download3K did not scan VideoPhill Player for viruses, adware, spyware or other badware. For your own safety, we recommend that you always have an antivirus, with virus definitions up to date, installed on your computer when downloading and installing programs from the web.
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