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Laboro 1.5.0

Developed by - Windows - setup file LaboroSetup.exe (2.73 MB) - Demo
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Developer Description

"Attendance/Absence Mgmt, HRIS, Scheduling"

Laboro is an all-in-one solution for attendance and absence management, scheduling and personnel management. Modern and flexible user interface allows customizing the application to meet individual needs and business uniqueness. Time and attendance record is in a clear, calendar-like overview of employee attendance and absences. QuickPunch, integrated PC-based time clock, or an easy integration with existing card readers or biometric time clocks ensures detailed record of all clock in and outs. Laboro is also a simple but extensive human resources solution (HRIS) where all relevant employee data are in one place, including annual leave record. As an addition, step-by-step integrated wizard helps to import existing employee list. Another useful module included in advanced editions is work time planning module where user can define shifts and easily create employee schedule including annual leave planning and education planning.

Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 or later

Antivirus information

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