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ForOffPC 3

Developed by - Windows - setup file ForOffPCsetup.exe (4.11 MB) - Freeware
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MD5: 47d13054f4c0e72a4088ae419c8b4f01

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Developer Description

"ForOffPC - plan system restarts and shutdown"

ForOffPC - handy software designed to help you plan system: switch off the monitor, shutdown, restart, stand by, hybernate, change user on PC .

ForOffPC is Freeware.

Purpose of ForOffPC
- provide you a user-friendly interface.
- be simple and easy to operate.
- provide multiple useful features, but not an overload.
In ForOffPC you can plan system :
- switch off the monitor, shutdown, restart, stand by, hybernate, change PC user at a time you select.
- all this task can be executed once or several times (periodically: hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly).
Customized capabilities of ForOffPC software.
- run ForOffPC when started Windows. (this function is active by default)
- when ForOffPC is started, it can be minimized to lower desktop bar (this function is not active by default)
- when ForOffPC is started, show window with tasks on current day (this function is not active by default)
- select show window before action with Power PC (this function is not active by default).
Program appearance is corrected by:
- skin
- colour of the font
Operation with ForOffPC software.
1. Choose necessary date and time (in time settings window, when time is not indicated, 00 reading will be set).
2. Choose necessary action:
- Task related to power supply for your PC (switch off the monitor, shutdown, restart, stand by, hybernate, change PC user ).
- Choose repeat interval for the task (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly). Task will be executed one time only by default.
After creation of a task, click "OK" button. The task created will be displayed in the tasks window. If your need to clean filled fields push “Delete” button.

What's new in this version: Select show window before action with Power PC

Antivirus information

Download3K has downloaded and tested ForOffPC on 10 Jan 2022 with some of Today's best antivirus engines and you can find below, for your convenience, the scan results:
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