FeatureSlider Icon

FeatureSlider 1.0

Developed by - Windows, Wi - setup file http://www.flashcomponents.ro/featureslider.zip (488.28 KB) - Shareware
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Developer Description

"Added editable image folder name and image ex"


-Added editable image folder name and image extension within XML.

-XML Driven Data

-Unlimited images capability

-Each thumbnail navigate to predefined xml URL data on mouse click

-Image navigation bar with auto hide, auto scoll thumbnails

-Title and content text can be added to each slide, change font color and edit text in xml.

-Info balloon with auto scrolling text pops up as mouse over thumbnail, balloon can set on/off within xml and message is edited within xml too.

-Tag such as "new item", "sales" etc can be inserted onto thumbnail, simply edit in xml.

-Autoslide images activates on begin of movie and off mouse over navigation bar, on again when navigation bar focus lost

-This is design to make this components to be used without recompiling the moive with as much as customization possible within the xml file.

Support and update will be provided.

Package includes: FLA,featureSlider
Opens with: Flash CS3
AS Version: ActionScript 3.0
Viewable with: Flash Player 9 and above

Requirements: Flash Player 7 and above

Antivirus information

Download3K did not scan FeatureSlider for viruses, adware, spyware or other badware. For your own safety, we recommend that you always have an antivirus, with virus definitions up to date, installed on your computer when downloading and installing programs from the web.
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