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Mixere 1.0.82

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Quick Review

"free multitrack audio file mixer"

Mixere is a powerful and free open-source audio mixing software that is ideal for live performance and creating sound collages. It runs on Windows NT/2000/XP and supports various audio file formats such as WAV, AIFF, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, Flac, and Mod.

One of the most notable features of Mixere is its dynamic looping of audio, which allows for loops to be edited while the audio is playing. This feature is perfect for creating scratching effects and other dynamic audio changes. Additionally, Mixere supports auto-triggering of audio, fully automated sliders, and "soft" (gradual) mute/solo operations.

Mixere's interface is simple and easy to use, similar to a spreadsheet. The rows are tracks, and the columns are properties that can be adjusted for each track, including name, transport (play/pause/stop/loop), mute/solo, volume, pan, pitch (+/- one octave), and audio position. Furthermore, Mixere's automation sliders can be programmed to move from one point to another within a given time interval, with times ranging from .01 seconds to 100 hours.

Mixere's clipboard support is also impressive, allowing for tracks to be copied or moved within a document or between documents via the Windows clipboard. Additionally, Mixere supports unlimited undo and redo for all operations, making it easy to make changes without worrying about losing your previous work.

Multi-track operations are also supported in Mixere, allowing for multiple tracks to be played, paused, stopped, muted, or soloed simultaneously. Slider automation can also be programmed in multiple tracks simultaneously, making it easy to create complex audio mixes.

Finally, Mixere supports snapshots, which allows you to capture a document's state and restore it at any time. This feature is particularly useful for live performances, where you may want to quickly switch between different audio mixes.

In conclusion, Mixere is a powerful and versatile audio mixing software that is perfect for live performances and creating sound collages. Its support for various audio file formats, dynamic looping of audio, and unlimited undo/redo make it a top choice for audio professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Requirements: 566MHz, sound card, 128M mem, 1M disk, DirectX 8.1

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