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Macrium Reflect Home Edition 8.1 Build 8017

Developed by - Windows - setup file ReflectDLHT.exe (7.98 MB) - Shareware
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Review & Alternatives

"Windows backup and disk imaging software."

★ Winner of Best Backup Tool in 2017 and 2014.


Hard disks and operating systems, regardless of how well protected, are always susceptible to random failures that lead to the loss of critical personal data. However, with the aid of Macrium Reflect, users benefit from a foolproof solution that guarantees full data recovery, which can turn any seemingly hopeless disaster into a minor problem. To put it simply, Macrium Reflect mirrors the entire quantity of data stored on the hard disk or external devices and even from an email. In addition, the highly customizable application works silently and efficiently in the background, on an automatic set of predefined instructions.


Macrium Reflect works with all versions of Windows and can be downloaded as shareware, which has a lifespan of thirty days. The kit for Macrium Reflect is just under 30MB and the installation process is typical. When the installation has been completed, the program will require users to either enter the license key (in the event that they own the full version) or check the 30 days evaluation box, which generates a trial key. It is necessary to point out that an internet connection is required in order to register either the trial or the full version of the application for the first time.


The interface of the Macrium Reflect is based on the conventional Windows Explorer. In essence, the upper bar includes options for creating backup files, restoring folders or entire partitions, checking them for errors or editing the preferences, whereas the lower section of the window contains two subsections, the left one displaying the logs and the right one showing the files in question. However, the log section contains three main categories of files: images, file backups and file restore.


Among the many qualities of Macrium Reflect, one definitely worth mentioning is the ability to create effective images of disks and folders that occupy a minimal amount of storage space. Furthermore, in order to save even more space, the application deletes the backup files that have passed a certain age and have been replaced with newer versions. At the same time, users have almost complete control over the backup files and how the backup procedure is performed. In the eventuality that Windows has crashed and no longer starts, the Reflect Rescue disk can help recover all the data by booting the computer in an alternative minimalistic Linux OS with the imbedded interface of a Windows PE. In other words, no matter how serious the data loss problem may seem, Macrium Reflect has the solution.


Macrium Reflect is a bit pricy for a backup software utility, but those who value the safety of their data should not hesitate to acquire a full license.


Worthwhile alternatives to Macrium Reflect include Norton Ghost, EaseUS Todo Backup (Free, Workstation), Acronis True Image Home and GoodSync.


Using Macrium Reflect means that the data stored on a computer is safe from harm even though the device may suddenly decide to spontaneously combust. Since the program works silently on creating backup copies on almost any physical medium or on the network of choice, the data is never at risk.

Reviewed by Chad Faith

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