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Repton 2 1.3 32x32 pixels icon Repton 2 1.3
FlashGet 1.9.6 32x32 pixels icon FlashGet 1.9.6
Spybot 32x32 pixels icon Spybot
Repton 2, the eagerly-awaited sequel! The challenge continues ... spirits, transporters, skulls, puzzle pieces, and now savepoints by popular request! * Three varied scenarios! * Easy-to-use editor, include your own images as puzzle pictures!
FlashGet is specifically designed to address two of the biggest problems when downloading files: Speed and management of downloaded files. FlashGet supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, BT, MMS, MMST, RTSP, ed2k protocol.
Spybot searches your hard disk for so-called spy- or adbots; little modules that are responsible for the ads many programs show. But many of these modules also transmit information about your surfing behaviour and more to the net.
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