Telephony, SMS & GSM

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Mobile Master 8.9.4 32x32 pixels icon Mobile Master 8.9.4
The mobile phone and sync. tool for Sony Ericsson, Nokia, LG, Samsung, Motorola and BenQ Siemens handsets. Synchronize (addresses,calendar) with Outlook, Lotus Notes, Thunderb, Palm D., David, Groupwise,.., many filters. SMS Center to easily send SMS
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Telephony, SMS & GSM

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GNU Gatekeeper (GnuGk) 5.12 32x32 pixels icon GNU Gatekeeper (GnuGk) 5.12
A free H.323 gatekeeper to build VoIP networks, route calls and do authentication and accounting.
Freeware, Updated 19 February 2024
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1.42 MB
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