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Sendblaster 3.1.6 32x32 pixels icon Sendblaster 3.1.6
GetMail 4.0 32x32 pixels icon GetMail 4.0
Nesox Email Marketer Business Edition 2.01 32x32 pixels icon Nesox Email Marketer Business Edition 2.01
The best bulk email sender and mailing list management software. It’s so user-friendly that you can launch your email marketing campaign in minutes: create a newsletter, select a mailing list and start its fast mass emailing engine
Do you want to read webmail only mail systems such as Hotmail, MSN, Windows Live Mail, AOL, Yahoo on your mobile device such as a Blackberry. GetMail will help by forwarding your email to a standard POP3 account that most mobile devices support.
Bulk email software, email newsletter software and email marketing software helps you build opt-in mailing lists, manage email newsletter marketing campaigns, create and send bulk HTML emails campaigns and track personalized email results.
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GERTES(R) Outlook Add-in 2010-2007 32x32 pixels icon GERTES(R) Outlook Add-in 2010-2007
Visit to turbo-boost your email efficiency with GERTES(R) Global Email Response-Time Expectation System. Set expected response-times. For Outlook and other email systems. For home use only. For business/other use, go to
Freeware, Updated 25 December 2014
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17.38 MB
conjoon 32x32 pixels icon conjoon
Webmail made easy! conjoon is a webmail client with a rich user interface. It is build using Zend Framework and Ext JS and focuses on easy system integration and usability on the client side.
Freeware, Updated 6 February 2015
Last week

13.69 MB
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